RESULTS (THANK YOU!): Green for Impact Brazil – Phase 1

RESULTS (THANK YOU!): Green for Impact Brazil – Phase 1 – Fundo Volta por Cima

Dear Alumni and donors,

As you followed last week, our Project Green for Impact phase 1 finished successfully. We achieved our goal of raising R$ 50k with our alumni network support. The amount raised was R$ 52.605. On top of that, we also received R$ 5k by PayU, our institutional donor, and a donation match of R$ 5k by INSEAD Alumni Association Brazil (IAAB).

This got us to a total of 

R$ 62.605 !!!

Many thanks for your support with the “Turnaround Fund for Businesses in Low-income Communities” project.

Learn More about the Initiatives!

Next steps for the fund:

  1. Launch and selection of the entrepreneurs. The 50 selected will be communicated in June-2020.

  2. Entrepreneurs follow-up and monthly/quarterly reports.

Thank you all our 100 donors!

Thank you for our top donors:

Carlos Henrique B. Freitas
Fernando Musa
Jean-Marc Etlin
Nuno Gomes

And the donors:

Alexandre Sabbag
Aline Monteiro Frota Parnes
André Nitrini Guidolin
Bernd Rieger
Bruno Collado SIlva
Caio Melo de Resende
Carla Teixeira Belitardo
Carlos Eduardo Norbert
Carolina Badaró
Carolina Santos Laboissiere
Daniel Accioly Rosa
Daniel Scatolon Becker
David Sérgio Haim Nigri
Eduardo de Toledo
Eduardo Rocha
Eduardo Silva Leonardis
Emanuela de Carvalho Anselmo
Fabricio Pettena
Felipe Sakurai
Francisco Otavio G. R. Campos
Frederico Pedreira Elias da Costa
Gilson de Oliveira Carvalho
Giulia Setembrino
Guilherme Antonio Gurgel Prado
Guilherme Archas Marques
Guilherme Brum Gazzoni
Guilherme Gondo
Guilherme Pesenti
Gustavo Rassi
Jacqueline Wen Liao
Jhonatan Feitoza Bastos
Joseph Levy
Julia Nazareth Ferreira
Juliana Izabel Lino
Kenji Ahualle Horimoto
Ligia Azevedo
Lucas D. B. Correa
Lucas Mota Soares
Lucas Murata
Lucas Loureiro
Luciana Samara K. Bahmdouni
Luciana Staciarini Batista Catel
Luiz Antonio W. A. Dias Garcia
Marcel Resende Porto
Marcelo F. Tavares
Marco Aurélio Trindade Costa
Marcos de Mello Mattos Haaland
Marcos Paulo Conde Ivo
Mariana de Aguirre Martins Correa
Mario Antonio Melilli
Nivancir Naville
Patrícia Barbosa
Paula Renata Cerdeira Gomez
Pedro Henrique Rabelo Guerra
Pedro Otavio Barrios Mendes
Rafael Breviglieri
Rafael Burd Teixeira da Silva
Roberto Faldini
Rodrigo Salles
Tarek Homsi
Último Melo Mariz
Valter Rodrigues Roldão
Vasco Filipe F. L. Freire Campo
Vicinius Santiago Lamas
Victor Chaves Henriques

Special thanks for our institutional partners

It is remarkable the solidarity of our INSEAD community. Next week, we will bring information about our 2nd and last phase for fundraising and support initiatives for the Green for Impact Brazil.




Still want to join us in this task-force? Do it by:

  • Volunteering to join our team

  • Being engaged through our communication channels and responding to our team-specific requests

  • Helping our fundraising goals by donating and spreading our call


Green for Impact Brazil Volunteers,

Alexandre Gattaz. MBA16D 
Carla Belitardo. MBA07D
Felipe Gonçalves. MBA15J
Frederico Pedreira. MBA07D 
Julia Nazareth.  MBA19D
Marcelo Tavares. MBA16J
Pedro Mendes de Paula. MBA19D
Pedro-Otavio Mendes. MBA07D
Rodrigo Salles. AMP19N
Valter Roldão. MBA18D