Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting for The INSEAD Club of Singapore (INSEAD Alumni Association Singapore) will be held on 25th April 2024.
AGM will be conducted as an in-person event.
Date: Thursday 25th April 2024, 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Singapore Cricket Club, A Connaught Dr, Singapore 179681
Dues-paying member based in Singapore for the INSEAD Club of Singapore as of 4th April 2024, the date of notice, will be eligible to vote in this AGM.
Please find the 2023 Annual Report inclusive of the proposed 2023 AGM minutes (pages 38-40), and Financial Reports (pages 35-37) relating to The INSEAD Club of Singapore.
Do not hesitate to contact our President, Jaz Athenia Chua TIEMBA’16Jan, Treasurer Youyi Yuan EMFIN’19Feb or Secretary ChenSiew Lim MBA’22J if you have questions.
Last year, members voted on the ROS Constitution that incorporates the approved constitutional revision of Article X: Dissolution (2) made in 2022 AGM such that remaining funds can be transferred to our company limited by guarantee when the society is dissolved.
“Under the existing ROS Constitution, in the event that the club is dissolved, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Club shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be devoted to such local charitable organizations as the general members shall decide.
To ensure that the remaining funds can be transferred to the company limited by guarantee once the society is dissolved, a constitutional revision was made such that:
In the event the Club is dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Club shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be devoted to such local charitable organizations or transferred to the new legal company as the general members shall decide.”
This revision has been approved by ROS.
Motions for Voting
We would require your participation to vote on these 9 motions:
- Vote on the 2023 Financial review and statement (pages 35-37 of the 2023 Annual Report)
- Vote on the proposed 2023 AGM minutes (pages 38 – 40 of the 2023 Annual Report)
- Vote for the election of Kevin Boezennec, MAP’20Feb, as Board Member (Clubs & Interest Groups)
- Vote for the election of Noriko Hanada, MBA’10D, as Board Member (Social Events)
- Vote for the re-election for the third term of Tan Eng Hwa, TIEMBA’16Jan, as Board Member (Professor & Company Events)
- Working group proposal Election Process for President 2025 (TBD)
- Working group proposal on Best Practice Governance process for IAA SG on company limited by guarantee or registry of society (TBD)
- Working group proposal on Best Practice Engagement process for EXCO and Alumni Members (TBD)
Nominations with regards to Motions 4, 5, 6.
In case of nominations for the election of the three board members of the Executive Committee listed above, they shall be submitted via email to [email protected] latest by 18th April 2024, 6pm SGT.
Criteria for nomination:
- The nominee is a dues-paying member based in Singapore
- The nominee consents to the nomination of a specific board member role that is up for election
- The nominee should be nominated by a proposer, who is a dues-paying member based in Singapore
- When a role opens and is advertised on IAA SG mailer.
While this is not in the Constitution or Bye-Laws, the Exco follows the following criteria besides the above. Informed of the open roles from the mailer, interested members are invited to register their interest to understand more about the role and the requirements. They then formally apply. Formal application would involve preparing a presentation deck that includes background, strategy for the pillar and event roadmap for the next 1 year. Candidate will present during one of the Exco meetings, giving an opportunity for Exco members to interact with the potential team member. Questions will also be asked regarding the pillar strategy and plans. After which, candidates with no volunteering experience with IAA SG or with IAA in any part of the world will have to volunteer for 6 months, after which put on 3 months of probation before being confirmed by the Exco members. Candidates of good standing with prior volunteering experience in any IAA around the world will only be put on probation for 3 months before being confirmed. The successful applicant will then stand for election in the next AGM. This is the process which for example, Kevin Boezennec, MAP’20Feb, as Board Member (Clubs & Interest Groups) and Noriko Hanada, MBA’10D, as Board Member (Social Events) and all the existing Exco members have followed.
Working discussions with regards to Motions 7, 8, 9
During the IAA SG Connect session held on 20th March 2024, it was aligned to seek the help of alumni to form 3 working groups for the following proposals:
- Election Process for President 2025
- Best Practice Governance process for IAA SG on company limited by guarantee or registry of society
- Best Practice Engagement process for EXCO and Alumni Members including WhatsApp chatgroups
Deadline for submission of proposals to [email protected] latest by 18th April 2024, 6pm SGT.
After the working discussions between the alumni volunteers and ExCo, the proposals will be tabled for voting as one of the AGM motions.
Update on 21st April 2024: Proxy Form
Proxy forms are to be used only by members who are unable to attend the AGM in person but would like to cast their votes on the resolutions. The proxy form can be downloaded here.
If you are attending the AGM, there is no need to complete a proxy form as voting will be conducted in-person during the AGM.
If you are submitting a proxy form, please ensure that your completed form is sent via your INSEAD email address or your registered email with IAA SG to the Secretary of the Club ([email protected]), keeping [email protected] in copy of such email.
Deadline for submission is 24th April 2024 6:00pm SGT which is no less than 24 hours before the time appointed for AGM.
Please also be aware that incomplete or improperly filled proxy forms will be treated as void. Examples include:
- Incomplete names and/or INSEAD email address will result in the entire form being void
- Selection of more than one choice will result in that motion being void
- Use of symbols other than “x” for selection will result in that motion being void
- If the member attends the AGM in-person after submitting the proxy form, the entire form will be void so that the member can vote in person
- Proxy forms that are not submitted via the member’s INSEAD email address to [email protected] by 24th April 2024 6:00pm SGT will not be accepted
- If multiple forms are submitted, only the first submission will be considered
There will be a total of 21 motions to be voted. Please refer to this document for the full list of motions.