We are really happy to announce that the INSEAD Alumni Association France is extending your network.
Please join us to (re)welcome our new fellow Alumni from Columbia Business Club France, MIT Club of France, Stanford Club of France and obviously Wharton Paris
As an international network, we believe in synergies, connections and new opportunities. In order to make our network stronger, we engaged in a partnership with several international Business School.
We defined 3 pillars to work on through these partnerships.
- Young Alumni
What are the young alumni expecting from their Alumni Association?
By combining our strength with other Alumni association, we are extending our events offer and we can work together on this generational shift. - Career
The more we are, the more opportunities you get to find a new job, exchange with others, building a new project, etc. - Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is all about sharing ideas, challenging and reinventing yourself every day. You can now go beyond the INSEAD network
These partnerships are already really active. A first event co-organized with the MIT Club of France took place on January 23, with Thierry Lepercq, Executive Vice President in charge of Research, Technology and Innovation. Our next co-organized event will be with the Columbia Club of France: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/partnership-inseadcolumbia-business-school-what-it-takes-to-be-a-successful-entrepreneurial-leader-tickets-53990738753